Thrift Store Review: Goodwill

Overall Score: 4
Location: 4
Organization: 4
Selection: 4
Price: varies

The Goodwill in Moscow, Idaho is similar to the Goodwill in Vancouver, Wash. and I'd wager that more than 2,300 Goodwill stores across the country are similar as well. Regardless, there are many consistencies that are beneficial to second hand shopping.

Located right off the Moscow-Pullman highway, Goodwill is easy to access and offers plenty of parking. The building is large and shoppers have plenty of space to peruse the well organized store. Only one area lacks organization: the knick-knack, dishes and kitchen shelves are not shopper-friendly.

Perhaps a mark of corporate standards, the Goodwill in Moscow is kept clean - it barely has that second hand smell! It has a public bathroom, a convenience not found in all retail stores.

The selection is substantial. Seasonal items such as snow shovels and coats are highlighted in the front area.There is a variety of never been used merchandise woven into the selection including socks and random items. This particular store boasts a fine array of 80's night apparel. A quality that is perfect for it's location between two colleges.

Price presents a key downfall for the store. The prices vary from less than $2 for a fancy blouse to more than $10 for good condition jeans. Coats and jackets throw the range even higher. Some are reasonably priced, others around $25 and others even higher. The expensive items seem better fitted for a consignment shop.

Altogether, it's a good place to go for thrift store shopping. As an added benefit, 84 percent of profits help fund Goodwill programs.

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